Dreaming the Seed Retreat Day….. A day of healing old stories and seeding a new chapter…
Sunday 25th June 9:30am to 4pm Tolmie Victorian High Country…
Cost: $333.00 or early bird price of $300.00 if booked and non refundable deposit paid of $100.00 is paid by 7th July… Five places available…. If you would love to be a part of this day retreat up here in the High Country of Victoria message me or email jude@dreamingtheseed.com
Womb healing
Seeding a new chapter
Working in wholeness
Creating sacred inner space
Light codes – encapsulated stories
Sacred Feminine mini blueprint for the new chapter
Meditation or ceremony for setting your intentions
Time out of time just for YOU!
For many years women have come here for many wonderful workshops and groups… Women come and stay locally… enjoying some time out of time just for them…
Come sit by a warm fire and dive into your own time out time with me as your host…. It will be a day of healing and growing with love… Journal.. dreaming bowl, mini Sacred Feminine Blueprint and more…. as well as morning tea and light lunch provided….. Love Jude