Gateway to the Crone

Sacred Spaces - Dreaming Places

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Gathering & Ceremony


Sunday 3rd March 2019 10am – 2pm – $130.00 – Tolmie

If you are at least 50 years of age or over …. and either in menopause or well and truly through it……. (ALL ages need a rite of passage)….. then honouring your inner Crone is a beautiful way of being acknowledged on your fabulous life journey……

All of you are entering into your Crone years or have been navigating them for many… many years…… and as such…. I have written and I facilitate ceremony…. storytelling…. connecting with the Ancient Ones…. the Crone Mother…… Guided journeying…. honouring….. meditative and sacred day here in the High Country of Victoria….. I feel the call of the Crone to honour all Crones… (I LOVE the word Crone…… btw)

This day is called…. GATEWAY TO THE CRONE….. and is about walking through the gateway of Crone… as a rite of passage….. a step to honouring self and other women who are walking the Crone/Wise Woman path now…… It doesn’t matter if you are just beginning that journey OR if you are well into it….. As a western society we do not often honour the sacredness of the Crone… the Wise Woman…. and as part of my own Crone journey….. I create sacred space here in which to honour your journey as well…..

I feel the importance of honouring the Wise Ones…. the ones who have lived life and learned some things along the way…. who are prepared to share their knowledge and wisdom….. if only they are asked……

So if you are 50 years of age or over…. and hear the call of The Ancient Ones…. and the Crone Mother…. whispering to you…..  It’s time…… contact me via email to book your place….

Lunch is provided in celebration of the Crone….. If you are coming from a distance there are heaps of places to stay in Mansfield!!!! Come explore our beautiful High Country!

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‘What a wonderful, loving, supportive and empowering day it was at Jude’s magickal workshop, Gateway to the Crone. It was a day of revelation, healing and laughter with Jude and my Sister Crones.’

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‘So good to laugh and embrace the Crone… giving reverence and respect to ceremony. Jude is a wonderful facilitator and the crystal crown sits perfectly.. thank you’

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‘Jude is the sower of seeds of imagination, where you can’t help but feel comfortable to be real. She creates a sense of warmth and a feeling of belonging effortlessly.’

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‘Beautiful women gathered together to share their wisdom, the ceremony was beautiful, the day was wonderful!’

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