Dreaming the Seed Soul Studio

Sacred Spaces - Dreaming Places

Dreaming the Seed
Soul Studio

A Place to Dream


Jude Downes

                                                                                                          ‘Welcome to my Dreaming the Seed Soul Studio ~ It is here you will discover the mysteries of how to open a window to your creative world as you explore poetry as metaphors for the heart and soul journey…

12th October 2024

I’ve been writing poetry since early 1997. It’s been a journey of self-discovery as I put pen to paper (yes the old-fashioned way) and the words flow from my sometimes chaotic mind so that I can actually read what is important right there, in the moment, in front of me.

I am a very visual person so actually looking at my words, whether journaling or in poetry form is important to me.

I’ve read that we can have up to around 70,000 thoughts per day and I truly wake up in the morning with a whole lot of different scenarios running through my head. So, taking the most important thoughts that come forward is essential to the ahh, so that’s my focus right now. My thoughts these days often arrive as poems. It’s pretty special to think in poetry.

Writing is healing, it’s understanding and often it’s personal but a lot of writing is what others understand from their own journey as well. I hope you will enjoy the journey of self-discovery from my Dreaming the Seed Soul Studio!

Please do purchase my books for yourself, your healing  or well-being library or for friends and family as gifts or share my website.  My journey in my wonderful Crone years is being a ‘Healer with Words’. I want my words to help others on their journey and offer comfort, healing and laughter as well as the release through tears. It’s a journey of unity doing what we love.

…  and I do love it!

With Love

Jude xx