Dreaming the Seed Blueprint Report & 90 Minute Mentoring Session

Dreaming the Seed is a sacred Blueprint for WOMAN for working with Healing & Creating in wholeness.

Dreaming the Seed Blueprints come with a report via PDF in an email or here in Tolmie Australia for understanding the aspects of your current cycle as well as discovering what seeds you are working with to inspire your own creative spirit.

This Dreaming the Seed blueprint offers you a platform on which to begin the journey of understanding how we create in wholeness, with the assistance of the higher realms, the ones I call the Ancient Ones.

In this Dreaming the Seed Blueprint the Ancient Ones tell me this is a beginning point and that you can create the life you want to see in this world armed with knowledge of what assists you to create profound change in your life. Creation needs a beginning point. The Ancient Ones say that this sacred Dreaming the Seed Blueprint is a ‘mathematically designed series of synergistic events that activate the journey’.

Flow with the journey as you dive deep into your wholeness with love, compassion, joy, harmony with the help of this 5th dimensional and above vibration.

The understanding of it will come over the months ahead rather than all in one reading.

Each blueprint also now also includes your information about your Sacred Feminine Principle overlay…

 Your blueprint is accompanied by a 90-minute mentoring session via zoom or in person here in Tolmie about your blueprint, your soul pathway now and a formula for clearing blocks in the road of life.

*** From 9th February to 1st May 2024 the investment is $295.00 for the blueprint and 90-minute blueprint mentoring session. Any follow up mentoring you may choose is currently $150.00 for 45 minutes. Note: All appointments are in the morning Australian east coast time.

Includes Blueprint report… mentoring session and formula for helping clear blocks in the road of life.

Note: Once purchased I will ask for some numbers you choose intuitively.

No refunds once purchased


Dreaming the Seed Blueprint Report & 90 Minute Mentoring Session